21 common training mistakes made by beginners (and some advanced athletes)

HUN Blog from 28/05/2022 It’s a great step to start exercising, as it’s one of the lifestyle factors that can do a lot for your health, appearance, performance or even a great recreational and social event. The effects of exercise work best when done properly, otherwise it can be dangerous to a greater or lesser… Continue reading 21 common training mistakes made by beginners (and some advanced athletes)

Safe Sunbathing

HUN Blog from 27/06/2020 In this article, we will discuss how to sunbathe safely without sunburn, sunstroke, heat shock, cataracts, skin cancer and other unpleasant side effects, so that you can stop being afraid of it and maximise the positive biological effects of sun exposure. I also cover the mechanism of sunburn and melanoma. I… Continue reading Safe Sunbathing