Category nutrition

10 Hunter-Gatherer SuperFood

I have previously written about my top 3 superfood categories HERE! I won’t go into details about the top three this time, let’s have a look at the others! The main aspects are nutrient density, bioavailability and necessity, mitochondrial function,…

Diet Religions

HUN Blog from 15/06/2019 Don’t argue with a religious man… so they say. It has happened before, hasn’t it? A fanatical believer wants to defend his belief system at all costs, finds it hard to accept anything that contradicts his…

3 really super superfoods

Blog from 13/02/2019 The term ‘superfood’ is fancy these days, usually referring to micronutrient-rich, natural foods, and is being used to describe a lot of things. In this article, I present 3 simple and great natural superfoods! I. Seafood From…