Tag running

What is SunnyFitness?


I changed the former PaleoSport ‘stage name‘ to SunnyFitness a few years ago, but what does this specific sport and lifestyle trend mean? In short, it’s a complex, free-form sport for long-term health and continuous improvement. We can develop basic…

OCR – Obstacle Course Race experiences

sunnyfitness mihalysafran ocr

HUN Blog from 09/12/2021 In 2021 I started a new sporting adventure, not so far removed from my training past. I like the fitness demands of OCR – obstacle course races (you need about everything: strength, endurance, speed, coordination, movement…

What are the natural movements?

HUN Blog from 29/01/2020 The movements that evolved during the evolution of humans are called natural movements. They are part of our genetics, so in principle we can do them without much practice. A tiger doesn’t go for sprinting or…