Category quantumbiology

Heisenberg’s health indeterminacy

The so-called uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, also known as Heisenberg’s indeterminacy is attributed to Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Prize-winning German physicist. The uncertainty relation is a fundamental, theoretical limit to the ability to know certain physical…

Thoughts from Albert Szent-Györgyi

HUN Blog from 24/10/2016 Here are some interesting, thought-provoking quotes from the Hungarian, Nobel Prize-winning scientist. Few people know, but Albert Szent-Györgyi is not only famous for vitamin C, he is also credited with many other biochemical discoveries, a pioneer…

Hormones: ask your doctor, pharmacist…

HUN Blog from 16/03/2019 In recent decades, the number of diseases affecting the hormonal and neurotransmitter system and their consequences have been increasing. Thyroid-cortisol-melatonin problems, estrogen dominance, low testosterone, insulin resistance, leptin resistance, diabetes, mental illness, etc. If these metabolic…