The so-called uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, also known as Heisenberg’s indeterminacy is attributed to Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Prize-winning German physicist. The uncertainty relation is a fundamental, theoretical limit to the ability to know certain physical quantities simultaneously and with complete accuracy. Such a pair of quantities is, for example, position and momentum. The more precise the value of one, the less precise the other. So, if you want to measure the exact position of a subatomic particle, you will get an inaccurate result for its momentum and vice versa.

It came in my mind that, similarly, in the field of healthy lifestyle, there are many things that can be “measured”. However, if we focus too much on one factor, we will inevitably neglect another area, we will not have enough attention, time and energy. Therefore, it does matter where we focus our resources! Nutrition? Sport? Taking vitamins? Sleep-light environment? Mental peace-stress management?
Nowadays, many people tend to focus on nutrition, taking vitamins or doing sports or focusing on mental well being only. They strive to buy the purest ingredients and the best supplements. They exercise hard every day, even if it doesn’t really fit into their daily rhythm, they squeeze it in somehow because it’s healthy. They listen to every material of spiritual guru’s even late in the night and eating junk food, forget to exercise… Of course, these are extreme cases and respect to the exception.
Hours can be spent sourcing clean ingredients, preparing in the kitchen, getting up at the crack of dawn for a workout or going down to the gym in the evening or jogging. Meanwhile, we forget another important area for metabolism, the circadian rhythm. It’s typical to get up early and then, under the artificial lights of the kitchen, whip up a breakfast of the best XYZ “nutritional religion“, munch on the promising berries, forgetting about the sunrise…
In the evening, he stays up late – also under artificial lights – to put together his super meal for the next day. In the evening, in front of the computer, he searches for solutions to his problems on various internet forums, getting excited and upset instead of sleeping. Detoxing, fasting, etc.
Once you get a better understanding of the mitochondrial approach, you will soon realise that there is more to be gained from optimizing the light environment than from many of the popular lifestyle recommendations. Many other factors are also important, but if you have to choose, it is worth looking at the higher order factor.
It is difficult to take care of everything at once. Of course, the best thing would be to master as many areas as possible, to implement the best practices for health, high energy levels and anti-ageing in our daily lives as automatic routine and fast way. That’s why it makes sense to be curious, to keep learning, to make a routine of what works well and to optimize your conscious lifestyle…
What is your focus?
Which features of the “particle” do you measure and which do you neglect in the process?
Choose your focus wisely!