SunnyFitness Workout Tips #51-60

The SunnyFitness Workout Tips series continues!

If you haven’t read the first 50 tips, you can start HERE!

Table of Contents

(click on the titles below to quickly jump to the specific tip)

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #51 Slow down aging with sports

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #52 Every rep is a test

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #53 Save time in strength training

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #54 Set performance goals instead of aesthetics objectives

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #55 Lose fat with building muscle

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #56 Limit is the sky but is it worth it?

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #57 No day off from movement

SUNNYFITNESS TIPS #58 Get more effective if you are busy



Slow down aging with sports

It’s possible to live 100 years without sport, but with regular, varied (not extreme) exercise, we can enjoy a better quality of life, without limits, even in retirement.

The inactive lifestyle is a major risk factor for diseases in modern societies. It plays a role in the incidence of almost all diseases (cardiovascular problems, Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc.).

AEROBIC PHYSICAL ACTIVITY improves metabolic functions, increases the number of mitochondria and the activity of oxidative enzymes in the muscles. It enhances mitochondrial biogenesis, ensures optimization of protein exchange, effectively heals mutations, reduces the likelihood of developing certain degenerative diseases. Slows down the aging process overall.

STRENGTH TRAINING, SPRINTING, also has a positive effect on metabolic enzymes, is beneficial for growth hormone and testosterone levels, increases fat burning, and prevents osteoporosis.

THE GENERALIST/HANDYMAN movements are great at maintaining and lubricating muscles, joints, movement patterns, and not letting our brain get sluggish because of their variety.

Also, if you are STRONG, SKILLFUL AND FAST, you are more likely to avoid serious problems resulting from any fall or minor everyday accident.

Bonus tip

From interviews with fit older people, we can conclude that we should eat real food, always learn new things, lift weights, move and sprint, achieve great results, and remain flexible (both physically and mentally).

Every rep is a test

Life is too short for crappy reps in the world of strength training.

If you have limited time for training, the solution is not making as much reps and workload as possible in your short period of time with low quality. Rather do less volume but with high quality! Your future self will be grateful.

I made this mistake for many years when I was young. I just wanted to reach certain numbers but the quality of the technique was secondary… Swinging, using momentum, half reps etc. E.g. 50 pumping push-up done in half minute. If I would count it now, it would be zero rep.

Results? You can still build muscle, strength and endurance this way but it’s also a high chance to develop stiffness-loss of mobility in the joints, injuries, not reaching your best performance potential in the long run.

Quality over quantity. (see tip #7)

Focus and try to perform each rep with nice technique. It doesn’t have to be always perfect but at least have the right mindset.

In each exercise imagine you are a gymnast in the Olympic finals! Can you afford low quality movement there? If you see this way, every rep is a test.

Bonus tip

Always do a few warm up sets from the exercises of the day with lighter resistance and execute them also with high quality technique! Teach your nervous system. Watch and learn from other people who are mastering the technique of certain exercise.

Save time in strength training

In ideal case, the best would be to focus only on 1 exercise/muscle group/movement pattern within 1 workout. And also leaving enough rest period between the sets.

This way you can put all your effort, the most volume and intensity, trigger the biggest adaptation signal, making the most gains.

However not much people have this time luxury, especially if you would like to develop in multiple exercises or skills. Leave this training method for the professionals and competitors.

Solution? There are many…and you lose maybe only 5-10% effectiveness.

  • Supersets: Pair 2 antagonistic exercise (see Tip #29) like pushing and pulling. Or mix one upper body with one leg exercise. Probably the best choice for most people.
  • Trisets: 3 exercise in a row. Add one leg exercise to the push-pull superset. Good solution for 1-2 training/week.
  • Giant sets and circuit training: 4 or more exercise in a row. It’s more a beginner workout style, like push-deadlift-pull-squat. Or it can be also an advanced body building workout, exhausting the same muscle group with different exercises. It’s good for bodybuilding, strength endurance, basic conditioning, fat loss but not so effective for strength gains.
  • Skill or weightlifting + strength: Practice some movement skills or Olympic weightlifting in the first part of the training then follow with pure strength exercises.
  • Eccentric loading: It’s wise to use the eccentric/negative part of an exercise and slow it down to 3-6 seconds, instead of just letting it go randomly. Like pull up or squat the way up in 1sec, lowering in 4-5sec.

And there is more, maybe for an other post…

Bonus tip

If you have limited time to train focus on the simple, oldschool compound exercises and forget the fancy ones. (see Tip#18). There is a huge untapped potential almost in everyone in the compound exercises and they have very good transfer effect for almost any other movement.

How do you train for strength?

Set performance goals instead of aesthetics objectives

A fitness tip for long-term – even lifelong – motivation to exercise and lifestyle change!

Many people already live it and it drives them week after week, year after year, to get there and do their best. The secret is to set yourself a hard but still achievable fitness goal that will take a few months or even several years to achieve!

With performance-focused training, we would like to see progress. Both the athlete and the coach. However, this may require changing some of the habits we have had. With one or two well-chosen goals, it will be automatic for hobbyists to show up regularly at the trainings – or at most only miss it for a good reason – and to give their best effort of the day.

They will start to improve their joint mobility, nutrition, sleep for example, adopting more effective training methods, exercises and training plans. It all starts with the desire to achieve a fitness goal. Which at first seems far away, but which will eventually bring with it a (complete) lifestyle change and a more muscular appearance, lower body fat percentage, fitter-more flexible-skillful body as a SIDE EFFECT. Which is also the desired (aesthetic) goal for many.

Most training goals are achievable! It is just the time frame is personal. Adapt an enthusiastic amateur or semi-professional mindset.

Bonus tips

This big performance goal is very individual. Here are a few examples:

  • Reach your first push-up, pull-up, handstand push-up, pistol squat.
  • Move better, increase your natural movements to a high level.
  • Learn the bridge, middle-front split, human flag exercises.
  • Improve your 1rep max in any lift.
  • Sign up for a 5-10k race, marathon, OCR competition.

What is your challenging performance goal?

Read the full article: Amateur training and performance goals, or lifestyle change through sport

Lose fat with building muscle

No surprise, one of the most common fitness goal is losing fat.

The good news is there are many ways to achieve it and you don’t even have to exercise. The not so good news is that it takes some time and consistent effort.

One of the best method is to start regular strength training, building some muscle and you will benefit much more than just losing weight!

Better fitness level for everyday life tasks and any sports, better posture, easier to maintain the ideal weight, longevity benefits, more self confidence, etc.

You don’t have to reach a monster bodybuilder physique to enjoy all the benefits.

For most people it means only a few kg extra muscle, made by 2-3 times/week training at least for half year.

Then you may be satisfied with the results and keep the sporty lifestyle lifelong.

So lets start calisthenics and lifting weights but I recommend before to read the Bonus tip below!

Bonus tip

If you carry more than 5-10kg extra weight, heavy exercising should not be the first step. In this case the metabolism is not working efficiently, it cant burn fat properly, relies mostly on sugar burning. So the heavy workouts gives more stress to the metabolism.

Better to start with changing the diet, sleep and other lifestyle habits first. Lighter movement activities, long walks and other not exhausting exercises are fine. After 1-2 months it’s time to start the more serious workouts and speed up the process!

Limit is the sky but is it worth it?

Development in strength training, calisthenics, running or other sports are like never ending video games. As you completed one level (kg, skill, time), there is always a next level, new challenge. It is usually more difficult, you need all the previous fitness level, skills and experiences plus new ones!

You reached the first push up/pull up/squat PR/ marathon PR? Nice, then add a few more reps, kg to your PR, decrease further your time! Seems like a never ending story and you can never be fully satisfied.

Where is the limit for physical fitness? They say limit is the sky! Ok, sounds cool, but are you willing to pay the price?

After a high level you need to put exponentially more time, energy for the next level and it may not be in balance with the other aspects of life. It may not worth the sacrifice anymore.

So it’s good to set big but more realistic, achievable goals knowing your personality, sport background, anatomy. To avoid unnecessary anxiety, stress, risking injury because you want to reach something extraordinary and fast.

And don’t forget to enjoy the process, celebrate the small achievements!

Bonus tip

How do I answer this ’Where is the limit’ question? I believe it’s absolutely worth it (especially for man) to experience the high fitness potential in our body. I would like to improve until age 45-50 in my OWN RHYTHM, no stress. Reaching certain calisthenics skills, weightlifting numbers, running times.

After I would be happy just to maintain what I achieved or slow down the inevitable decline. So if you are in your 20’s-30’s you still have a lot of time! Or if you started training later, you still have a lot of potential even after 40, 50.

ARTICLE: Amateur training and performance goals, or lifestyle change through sport

No day off from movement

The human body is designed to move. We can do hundreds of different movements.
The whole universe is in constant movement.
Even at absolute 0 temperature (0 Kelvin) there is some vibration in the atoms.

Our muscles and joints, fascia, nervous system, metabolism likes the daily movement stimulation.
So except when you are sick or have a serious injury, keep moving daily!

It doesn’t mean you should do a hard workout or any organized training every day.
At least go for a walk, do a few minutes of mobility exercises, enjoy improvisational movement snacks.

This way you won’t be rusty, will have a fully functioning body and nervous system lifelong.

Bonus tip

If you are already on social media, use it also to get inspired and learn new, simple exercises, save them into your movement library and practice them here and there.

Get more effective if you are busy

Most people are not professional athletes who have enough time and energy to any kind of training and recovery.

There are a lot of other tasks and responsibilities which can be stressy: work, family, commuting, shopping, cooking etc.

Training is healthy but also a stress factor, insert it wisely in your lifestyle!

A few tips how to manage continuous development in sports with a busy life:

  • Less training frequency: 2-4 high quality training/week can be optimal for most people, instead of 5-6 medium quality
  • Less junk volume: adding a few extra sets in the gym (or distance in running) may give the feeling of working as a superhero but usually it has a diminishing return and create longer recovery time
  • Less junk exercises: use the most bang for buck exercises and limit the fancy but less effective ones
  • Learn more about the training methods or hire a coach for effective training plans
  • Practice the short, low to medium intensity Movement Snacks method for movement skills and mobility
  • Walk, go with bike, climb the stairs more for a bit of „free” cardio training
  • Quality and good amount of sleep is not negotiable in the long run, organize the life to have enough rest
  • Clear your mind few minutes before training and have better focus
  • Prepare healthy meals in the evening the day before

Bonus tip

Think in years and decades, commit to regular trainings, instead of magical 3-6 week beach body programs. Less stress and anxiety, much more results, more fun and optimal, sustainable development.

Climb trees

Children are climbing trees with pleasure, adults think it’s weird, childish and only for kids. Why?

It’s a super nice, complex exercise, you need a little bit of everything, like in life.

Tree climbing improves coordination, balance, mobility, strength, stimulates brain function and it’s fun.

Of course, tree climbing is not a substitute for regular strength and conditioning training, but it can be incorporated from time to time!

We have similar (shoulder) anatomy like monkeys, who are hanging and climbing a lot, thus maintaining their natural fitness. They don”t complain for shoulder pain. Coincidence?

You can also overcome the fear of height which is quite common in adults, but rare in children. Of course do it with brain, go safe and gradually.

Try various type of trees with lot of branches and also straight, palm tree like ones!

When was the last time you climbed a tree? 😉

Bonus tip

When the fruit season is here, try to find a tree full of fresh fruits, climb for the higher ones. You can have a nice Movement Snack and a rewarding, delicious natural food snack at the same time.

Train alone

There are periods in life when we train alone and it’s absolutely worth it! It has a lot of advantages and of course disadvantages as well compared to training with a coach and partners. (read more details in the full article HERE)

Here are a few tips how to make solo trainings better:

  • Keep learning about training methods, stay curious and question your current knowledge
  • Set goals and milestones you want to achieve in the (near) future
  • Don’t just follow a routine workout with the same exercises, volume, intensity, vary the training parameters in a smart and progressive way
  • Occasionally train with a coach and ask for advises
  • Occasionally train with a partner or team for new ideas and inspiration
  • Occasionally test your fitness level or sign up for a competition
  • Listen to your body’s feedback and adjust your plan if you can do more, or less that day
  • Record videos about your exercises and you’ll see if the movement is correct and harmonious or not
  • Write a training diary (see Tip #11)

Bonus tip

Start training alone only with a strong inner motivation, passion and perseverance to make sure you keep showing up each time and be able to step out of your comfort zone!

ARTICLE: How to train alone (and even improve)

Read the next workout tips #61-70 HERE!
Read the SunnyFitness books and become a Natural Superhero!
sunnyfitness book
SunnyFitness 1.0

Training principles to become a Natural Superhero.

Body Maintenance

Daily, weekly body maintenance exercises and concepts.

sunnyfitness book
Stone Gym

Full guide to train outdoors and lifting rocks.

Movement Generalist

How to mix and enjoy together all the popular and proven training methods.

Join the next SunnyFitness camp for more Fitness Tips and lifetime experiences!

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